Dr. med. Siebenhüner warmly welcomes you to our private practice in the heart of the expanded medicine clinic Frankfurt and hopes that it can help to return your health with its experienced and friendly team. In our practice, a pleasant and friendly comfortable atmosphere with a finely tuned color scheme provides for your recovery. With optimal technical equipment Dr. Med. Siebenhüner has a competent medical team at his side for his patients. These latest technologies in combination with the tried and true holistic therapies speak for the success of the medical center of advanced medicine.
Also many new methods are used e.g. the application of autologous growth factors, derived from your own blood factors. Using this therapy, degenerate body structures, such as Cartilage in osteoarthritis can be regenerated. The individual needs and requirements of our patients are always considered. Each treatment is customized to our patients, both the medication and the exactly created therapies according to the measured values of the patient’s holistic treatment plan by evaluating a vulnerability analysis. Since 1978, that is, for over 35 years, Dr. Med. Siebenhüner continues to use proven holistic methods of orthodox and alternative medicine for his patients. In the holistic outpatient day clinic in the center of the advanced medicine immune system activation, detoxification, regeneration and regulation are at the forefront in the treatment of diseases and disorders. The aim is not only symptom elimination, but making you healthy as far as possible to increase your life expectancy with the best quality of life. This is what we mean by individual holistic health.