Advanced Medicine consists of proven and time-tested methods. You want to find weak points of the body. This holistic approach is paramount. Advanced Medicine combines the tradition of healing with conventional medicine. This practice includes seven basic principles of healing, based on observation of health and disease and includes modern scientific methods.
Pillar I
The most important thing: add no damage!
Disease can be a useful process of the organism. Medical methods can support, but also produce the opposite effect. Methods that suppress symptoms without removing the underlying causes, often act harmfully. With advanced medicine the doctor wants to avoid detrimental methods.
Pillar II
Find and treat the cause.
Disease does not occur without cause. The underlying causes should be detected and removed, so that a patient can fully recover from an illness. The symptoms are an expression of the body that it wants to heal, but these are very often not the actual cause of the disease. The causes can be manifold. The doctor in the advanced medicine examines the underlying causes in all directions and at all levels. He sets the treatment as much as possible at the root of the causes of, rather than run the risk of addressing merely symptomatic expressions.
Pillar III
Heal the entire person
Health and disease are different states of the organism which are located in a complex dependence of many factors. The doctor of advanced medicine encompasses all factors and treats the patient as a whole. Harmony in the interaction of all physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects are important for recovery, with full involvement of diagnosis and treatment.
Pillar IV
The doctor as a guide
The cooperative relationship between patient and physician has a high medicinal value. The doctor tells the patient in a sensitive and personal way how this goes back on the road to recovery with the help of advanced medicine and the support of the physician.
Pillar V
Prevention is the best security for your health
The ultimate goal of any health care is the prevention of diseases. The doctor also extended the reach of this medicine to health through the guidance of the patient’s life habits. He performs a vulnerability test by analyzing and assessing the risk factors that are caused by the particular circumstances of the patient. He points the right way with the right treatments to patients. The structure of health is better and safer than fighting disease.
Pillar VI
Use the healing power of nature
The body has to its own regenerating processes to provide and also restore health. Nature heals by her own life-support force. The role of the physician is to identify the process and eliminate the possible barriers that prevent health as produced by the body itself. Of course, there are exceptions such as cases where the physician, for example, in emergency situations (necessary operations, bacterial infections or the like) must rely on the conventional medicine.
Pillar VII
Activate self-healing
The doctor encourages patients to take responsibility for their own health. He supports them while he motivates and promotes healing through their own will. The healing process employed involves the generation of symptoms that can be an expression of the strength of the body, in fact, to heal itself, complement our treatment methods and support self-healing power and thus form a synergy.