Diseases can heal without side effects
Thanks to the eye acupuncture of traditional Chinese medicine and the field of holistic medicine the eye can be stimulated with targeted pinpricks regions, which can be cured in this way. Acute conjunctivitis, retinitis, retinal changes, macular degeneration, inflammation of the iris or dry eye can be very much improved. In other eye diseases that cannot be treated with healing through the eye needle acupuncture, the spreading of the symptoms may be slowed. There are no needles placed in the eye, but for example at hand, knee, foot and head certain regions. The eye acupuncture treatment takes about 30 minutes. In certain orbits, the meridians, fine acupuncture needles are placed on the accumulated energy blockages. Freely flowing energies maintain balance in body functions. The number of eye acupuncture treatments depend on the disease being treated and the present state. Acute disease pathologies often need a few acupuncture treatments. In chronic diseases such as macular degeneration more sessions are needed.